The following obituary appeared in the Johnstown Tribune on Wednesday, July 15, 1953, Page 36.

DE ARMEY -- Charles A., 66, of
  199 Langhorne Avenue, died at 
8:35 a. m. July 15, 1953, at Lee
Hospital.  Born in Rockwood Apr.
19, 1887, a son of  Joseph and
Katie Ann (Livingston) DeArmey.
  Survived by widow, the former
Susan L. Reesey; a daughter, Mrs.
Ivan Horton, 1827 Franklin Street;
two sons - Frank F., at home, and
Charles A., Belmont;  11 grand-
children; 2 great grandchildren,
and these brothers and sisters -
Max, Windber; M. F. DeArmey, 
Ohio Street; Harry, Somerset
Pike; Robert, Cypress Avenue;
Walter, Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. W.
O. Wendel, 2218 Menoher Boule-
vard, and Mrs. Lee Sloan, Detroit.
Preceded in death by a daughter, 
Gertrude.  Was a wheelright at
Franklin Plant of Bethlehem Steel
Company.  Member of Grace
Pentecostal Church.  Arrange-
ments, incomplete.  H. M. Pick-
ing Sons Mortuary