The following obituary appeared in the Johnstown Tribune on Friday, August 13, 1954, Page 24
DE ARMEY -- Michael F., 65, of 800 Park Avenue, died at 7:11 p. m. Aug. 12, 1954, at Memorial Hos- pital. Born in Rockwood, Somerset County, June 2, 1889, a son of Jo- seph B. and Katie Ann (Living- ston) DeArmey. Preceded in death by wife, the former Alice Schrock, and a brother. Survived by a son, Mack, Memphis Tenn.; five broth- ers - Dewey, 526 Riverside Avenue; McClellan, 407 Somerset Avenue, Windber; Harry, Somerset Pike; Robert, Cypress Avenue, and Wal- ter, Detroit, Mich; two sisters - Mrs. W. O. Wendel, Menoher High- way, and Mrs. Lee Sloan, Detroit; two grandchildren. Member of Park Avenue EUB Church, Mox- ham GBU, Menoher Post 155, VFW and Good Felowship Club of United States Steel Corp. Em- ployed as a machine operator by U. S. Steel. Friends received after 4 p. m. Saturday at John Henderson Funeral Home, 215 Central Ave- nue, where services will be held at 2 p. m. Monday. Rev. H. H. Hummel. Interment, Richland Cemetery