Indiana DeArmey Obituaries

These obituaries appeared in the Terre Haute Tribune. These are transcribed as printed.

  • Alfred DeArmey
  • Caroline DeArmey
  • Frederick K. DeArmey
  • Eb DeArmey
  • Clem DeArmey
  • Anna DeArmey
  • Ralph DeArmey
  • Bertha DeArmey
  • McClelland DeArmey


    Terre Haute Tribue, Page 2,
    Monday, September 29, 1919

    By Specila Correspondent.
        Brazil, Ind., Sept. 29 - Alfred De-
    Armey, 77 years old, a pioneer coal 
    miner of the block coal field, died Sun-
    day at his home, 409 East Oak street,
    following a long illness of dropsy.  He
    was born in Pennsylvania and came to
    Clay county several years ago and had
    since resided here.  He is survived by
    the widow and three sons.  City Clerk-
    Treasurer Frederick K. DeArmey is a 
    son.  Funeral services will be held at
    the residence at 10 o'clock Tuesday 
    morning, with burial in Cottage Hill
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    Terre Haute Tribune, Page 2,
    Friday, March 5, 1943
          Special To The Tribune
      BRAZIL, Ind., March 5. - Mrs. Caroline 
    DeArmey, 90 years old, widow of the
    late Alfred DeArmey, died at 5 o'clock
    Thursday evening at her home at 409 
    East Oak street.  She is survived by two
    sons, Frederick and E. B. DeArmey of 
    this city and a step-son, Robert De-
    Armey, of Terre Haute; also a sister,
    Mrs. Mary Morgel, city.  The body was
    taken to Moore & Sons Funeral Home, 
    where funeral services will be held at 2
    o'clock Saturday afternoon with Rev.
    O. L. hartman officiating.  Interment
    will be in Cottage Hill cemetery.
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    Terre Haute Tribune, Page 2,
    Wednesday, July 26, 1944
        BRAZIL, Ind., July 26. - (Special) - Fu-
    neral services for Frederick K. DeArmey,
    69 years old, former city clerk, who died
    at his residence, 319 East Jackson street,
    Tuesday, will be held from the Moore &
    Sons Funeral Home at 3 o'clock Thurs-
    day afternoon.  Rev. Muncie will officiate
    and burial will be in Summit Lawn ceme-
    tery.  He is survived by the widow, Anna;
    two daughters, Mrs. Muriel Huther, St.
    Lois, Mo., and Mrs. Catherine Ramsey,
    Cynthia, Ind.; one brother, Eb, of this 
    city, and one half-brother, Robert, Terre
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    Terre Haute Tribune, Page 2,
    Thursday, July 19, 1951
      BRAZIL, Ind., July 19 - (Special) - Eb
    DeArmey, 66 years old, clay plant work-
    er of 409 E. Oak Street, died Wednesday
    at the Clay County Hospital.  Surviving
    are a half-brother, Ralph DeArmey of 
    Terre Haute; several nieces and nephews.
    Services will be held at 10 o'clock Sat-
    urday morning at the Miller & Sons
    Funeral Home.  Burial will be in Cot-
    tage Hill Cemetery.  Friends may call 
    at the funeral home after 4 o'clock Fri-
    day afternoon.
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    Terre Haute Tribune, Page 8,
    Saturday, September 27, 1913
    Injured Man Succumbs
    By Special Correspondent.
      BRAZIL, Ind., Sept. 27. - Clem De-
    Armey, the clay worker who was run 
    over by an empty clay car on a switch 
    at the Clay Product plant yesterday
    morning, died at the Smith hospital at
    2:40 o'clock yesterday afternoon.  The
    deceased was 26 years old and is sur-
    vived by a bride of two weeks, father
    and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred De-
    Armey, three brothers and a sister,
    Ralph, Fred, and Flo and Miss Blanche
    DeArmey.  The body was taken to the
    home of his parents on South Ashley
    street where his funeral will be held
    Sunday Afternoon.  Interment at Cot-
    tage hill cemetery.
    TD Note: This notice as printed references three
    brothers, one of which is named "Flo". I think
    this is a typo, and should be Eb (as in Eb-> Elo -> Flo)

    There was also a news article about his accident

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    Terre Haute Tribune Three versions, all page 2
    Tuesday, July 20, 1954
      Mrs. Gus Boyer, 330 South Seven-
    teenth street, today received word of
    the death Monday of her sister, Mrs. 
    Anna DeArmey, former Brazil resident,
    who had been residing at Overland,
    Mo.  Death occurred at the Barnes Hos-
    pital at St. Louis.  She had been a life-
    long resident of Brazil, prior to moving
    to Overland eight years ago.  She died
    at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. J. 
    Heuther.  The body was brought to the
    Moore Funeral Home at Brazil.

    Wednesday, July 21, 1954

      BRAZIL, Ind., July 21. - (Special) -
    Mrs. Anna L. DeArmey, formerly of 
    Brazil, died Monday in St. Louis, Mo.,
    at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Muirl
    Huether.  Others surviving are a daugh-
    ter, Mrs Kathryn of Cynthiana, and a 
    sister, Mrs. Gus Boyer of Terre Haute.
    The body will be brought to the Moore
    Funeral Home here.

    Thursday, July 22, 1954

      BRAZIL, Ind., July 22. - (Special) -
    Funeral services for Mrs. Anna De-
    Armey, 75 years old, who died Monday,
    will be held at 10 o'clock Friday morn-
    ing at the Moore & Son Funeral home.
    The Rev. Irvin King will officiate.
    Burial will be in Summit Lawn ceme-
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    Terre Haute Tribune, Page 2
    Monday, September 25, 1961
      Ralph McClelland Dearmy, 90 years
    old, of 70 North Eight street, died
    at 4 o'clock Sunday morning at his
    residence.  He was a retired employe of
    the C. & E. I. Railroad, having retired
    in 1937 and was a member of the 
    Brazil Eagles Lodge.  A stepson, J.
    Ralph King of Terre Haute survives.
    The body was taken to the Miller & 
    Sons Funeral Home at Brazil, where
    friends may call after 5 o'clock Wednes-
    evening.  Final rites will be conducted at
    the Miller chapel with the Rev. H.
    Orval Moore officiating.  Burial will be
    in Highland Lawn cemetery.
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    Terre Haute Tribune, Page 2
    Wednesday, July 1, 1936
      Mrs. Bertha J. DeArmey, wife of 
    Ralph DeArmey, died at her home at
    614 North Ninth street at 2 o'clock this
    morning following a stroke of paralysis
    at the age of 52 years.  Mrs. DeArmey
    was born at Poland and resided in 
    Brazil for a number of years before
    moving to Terre Haute about 20 years
    ago.  She is survived by the husband and
    one son, J. Ralph King, of Terre haute:
    also two brothers, Clarence R. Harris,
    of Terre Haute, and James R. Harris, of
    Poland; also a number of nieces,
    nephews, uncles, and aunts.  Funeral
    services will be held at the residence at
    2 o'clock Friday afternoon.  Interment
    Highland Lawan cemetery.
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    Terre Haute Tribune, Page 2,
    Saturday, February 3, 1923
    By Special Correspondent
      BRAZIL, Ind., Feb 3. - McClelland
    DeArmey, former well known coal
    miner of this city, died at his home in
    Chicago Friday morning of heart trou-
    ble, aged 60 years.  He is survived by
    the widow, a daughter and two sons,
    Miss Nell and Carl, of Chicago, and 
    John, of California.  The funeral will
    be held at Chicago tomorrow.
    Return to Top

    From these obituaries and from 1900 Indiana census information at, the following summary info is my best guess at this time at how these people are related

    Alfred DeArmey July 1842 - September 1919
    Married to an unknown first wife, who was born in Ireland, and had maybe the following two children (who may be the same person):

    Alfred was also married to Caroline (Crider). 11/1852 - 3/4/1943 and had five children McClelland DeArmey ~1863 - 2/2/1923
    Son of Peter DeArmy and Mary Ben. Married to Ida Thomas on 12/25/1883 in Clay County IN, Died in Chicago
    Three children There is a possibility that McClelland, Alfred, and Joseph were brothers, or at least cousins

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